BICSA has developed short and long term financial products and services, aimed at companies that carry out the production and exportation of goods and services, allowing them in that way to complete and to position their products in the markets of the region.

Types of Financing

  • Purchase of shipping documents. Loans with foreign resources for your exportation operations, whether they are pre or post shipping

  • Financing of importation. Loans to importing clients in order to finance their importation operations once the shipping documents have been negotiated and once the financing terms of the provider has lapsed

  • Financing pre-shipping exportation. Loans to exporting clients for the purchase of supplies and/or for the manufacturing of the products that they are going to export

  • Financing of post-shipping exportation. Loans to exporting clients once the merchandise to be exported has been shipped


  • Flexibility in financing terms that minimize the impact on the company’s cash flow


  • Audited financial statements (3 years)
  • Copy of the Articles of Incorporation or Legal Certificate and its latest changes
  • Bank references

Further information

To obtain further information on Financing of Foreign Trade Activities, write us at this email and one of our executives will communicate with you.


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